After a couple of months of having my head down absorbed in projects, it is good to be finally nearing the completion of my first series of weavings and begin to show these experiments.
Leading on from the last weaving I showed here, I have made 3 more pieces continuing my investigations into markmaking, colour and surface matiere within the process of weaving and tapestry. I will go into more detail soon but some sections from the new works are shown below.

Alongside this, I have worked on an exciting extensive project with Magma books on a product that I look forward to talking more about this autumn when it will be released.
I have also enjoyed making packaging artwork for the delicious Origin coffee with A-side studio and secondly creating an image for the book cover screen printing workshop at the V&A friday late 'No Strings'.

In other news my wrapping paper and greetings card for Toasted Wrap/ Urban Graphic has been reprinted in another edition of 1000.